Follow-up, hormonal treatments and more
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Follow-up examinations
Follow-up examinations
You have been treated due to a malign gynaecological disease. Now, it is very important that follow-up examinations are carried out at regular intervals. Oncological follow-up aims at:
detecting recurrence of the disease (tumour recurrence)
detecting and treating accompanying or secondary diseases
helping you in case of physical, psychological and social problems
Follow-up examinations involve a detailed discussion, a gynaecological examination and the prescription of several additional examinations (e.g. identification of tumour markers, ultrasound, radiological imaging).
In-patient and out-patient births at the gynaecological hospital
Obstetrics, surgical and
conservative in-patient treatment
are performed upon appointment:
near the English Garden
Hirschauer Str. 6
80538 Munich
Phone: (089) 38 31-0
Fax: (089) 38 31-263

surgical spectrum:
- diagnostic and interventional laparoscopy
- sterility testing (chromopertubation)
- diagnostic hysteroscopy and hysteroscopic surgery
- laparotomy
- hysterectomy (abdominal, in some cases vaginal)
- incontinence surgery
- curettages, dilatation and curettage abortion
- conization
- breast surgery together with the breast centre of the hospital Dr. Geißenhofer in Munich
In order to discuss and plan surgery which is to be carried out by us, please make an appointment in our practice first.